Holy Echoes with God
Short Stories by Peggy Priest
Have you ever asked for God to speak to you directly? I know I have. I used to shout out, “Send me a fax, Lord!” I know that dates me, but you understand the concept. Sometimes God speaks to us directly, but often it is through the still small voice in our everyday activities. A smart person once told me that if you hear the same thing over and over through different venues, you are hearing Holy Echoes with God trying to tell you something important.
Luke 18:27
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
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God Speaks To Us Through Our Everyday Lives
I believe that “God stories” are when He speaks to you through everyday events and obligations. Come discover, through our journey together here, how He speaks to you today!

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Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
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Exploring God’s Blessing Through Stories
God’s blessings in my life are here in a series of short stories and I want to share them with you. I have realized the closer I get to God through His word, the more I hear His voice and lessons. Some people hide their stories in fear of what others might think. Others horde theirs for selfish reasons.
Each short story provides encouragement and ends with scripture to meditate on. I wanted to share these small snippets of my moments with God so that you can possibly see Him in your daily walk. I am just one ‘beggar’ telling another where to find food.
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About The Author
Peggy Priest’s passion is sharing her love for Jesus through her writing. Peggy manages an HVAC company with her husband Carl. They have seven grown children together and are active in a marriage ministry called United Marriage Encounter. They both serve on the local board and are a speaking Team Couple for UME. Together, they travel across the U.S., giving a series of presentations demonstrating techniques to improve communication and develop a closer relationship between husband and wife.
This is my Hannah Project – All net proceeds from Holy Echoes with God will go to:
United Marriage Encounter Encounter.
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Daily Echoes with God – Blog
Spiritual Warfare
Every now and then my husband and I need to get away to hear a word from God. We are so busy with our business, United Marriage Encounter, household chores, and writing that we leave little room left for being still and listening to our heavenly Father. We wake up, do our devotions in the...
Trusting in Him My husband and I were reading last night, and something struck me so clearly, I had to share it with you today. We were discussing fear and how the enemy likes to get in our head and use fear to immobilize us. Part of the reading was Philippians 4:6-7 which is: 6 Do not be...